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Kalettes® ~ Autumn Star (Week 23)

Kalettes® ~ Autumn Star (Week 23)

Autumn Star (TZ 0357) is the earliest of the three Kalettes® varieties, maturing from October. This variety has superb vigour and produces high yields of Kalettes® which are exceptionally easy to harvest. Remaining in good condition until at least the end of November, this variety develops a great sweet and nutty flavour as the season progresses. Originally known as Flower Sprouts.

They are grown in non-returnable trays containing 144 cells, from which you can expect a minimum of 130 usable organic plug plants per tray.

Please note the sowing cut off for these plants will be Wednesday of week number 16, until this date you can order as many trays as you wish. However, after sowing, the number of the trays available will be limited and stock may run out.

Minimum multi tray price: £40.00

Kalettes® ~ Christmas Rose (Week 23)

Kalettes® ~ Christmas Rose (Week 23)

The flower-like rosette sprouts which develop on the stems can be harvested from November to December. This variety has superb vigour and produces high yields of Kalettes® which are exceptionally easy to harvest. Remaining in good condition until at least the end of November, this variety develops a great sweet and nutty flavour as the season progresses. and are great stir fried or lightly steamed to enhance their wonderful nutty sweet flavour. A brand new vegetable, a cross between a Brussels sprout and kale; the sprouts look like tiny cabbages, with flashes of purple, edged with green frilly leaves. Originally known as Flower Sprouts.

They are grown in non-returnable trays containing 144 cells, from which you can expect a minimum of 130 usable organic plug plants per tray.

Please note the sowing cut off for these plants will be Wednesday of week number 16, until this date you can order as many trays as you wish. However, after sowing, the number of the trays available will be limited and stock may run out.

Minimum multi tray price: £40.00

Kalettes® ~ Snowdrop (Week 23)

Kalettes® ~ Snowdrop (Week 23)

Snowdrop (TZ 0101) is an extremely winter hardy Kalettes® variety with slightly shorter stems which are resistant to lodging in high winds, this variety matures from January to February. The Kalettes® will remain in excellent condition during this challenging growing period and have performed well in trials even in heavy snow and freezing conditions. Originally known as Flower Sprouts.

They are grown in non-returnable trays containing 144 cells, from which you can expect a minimum of 130 usable organic plug plants per tray.

Please note the sowing cut off for these plants will be Wednesday of week number 16, until this date you can order as many trays as you wish. However, after sowing, the number of the trays available will be limited and stock may run out.

Minimum multi tray price: £40.00